Corporate Governance
IREM S.p.A. arises in Corporate Governance the basis for a system of transparent and accountable management of the complexity of the business both internally, to employees and management and external, addressed to Partners and Customers.
his set of rules for the management and control of the company combined with the business strategy are the basic elements of the behavior of the IREM Group in achieving business results and building relationships of trust with its stakeholders in the long run.
The constant attention to ensure a system of governance in line with the standards of international "best practice" able to maintain sustainable development and to face work challenges with maximum performance is the main objective of the Supervisory Body of IREM S.p.A., that ensures the proper implementation of the Organisation Management and Control Model (Odv) in full compliance with the Code of Ethics attached.

Organisation Management and Control Model
In compliance with D.Lgs. n. 231/2001, the Board of Directors of IREM S.p.A.
has approved the Organizational, Management and Control Model
(also in accordance with the guideline developed by the Trade Associations - Confindustria).
This Model is composed by:
Organization Management and Control Model (General and Special sections)
Attachments: List of Offences; Code of Ethics; Risk Assessment; Disciplinary System;
Supervisory Body Charter
Supervisory Body
The Legislative Decree n. 231/2001, art. 6. Paragraph 1, let. B) provides, as one of the precondition for exemption from liability resulting from the commission of crimes, the establishment of a Supervisory Board within the entity with autonomous power of initiative and control with the task of supervising the functioning and observance of the system and its updating.
The Company, as part of the adjustment of its organization and control system with the provisions of the Legislative Decree n. 231/2001, has the establishment of a mixed and collective Corporate Supervisory Board, responsible for ensuring the adequacy and functioning of the System. Parts of the System will be two external members, one of them as President and an internal member so as to ensure multi-discipline skills in penal, economic, health, safety and environment matters.

Code of Ethics
The Code of Ethics is a fundamental document attached to the System. In carrying out its performance, all those who act, operate and cooperate in any way with IREM S.p.A. (employees, consultants, suppliers and third parties in general) having to deal with situations that require the adoption of relevant behavior under various aspects, among which the most important are the ethical and the legal (a.b. “Addressee” of the Code).