Press release IREM S.p.a. 11/12/2023
The Irem Spa company was chosen because it was considered among the most competitive, performing at a management level and financially reliable"

We are flattered by the financial recognition awarded to us. Our company is an icon of a productive island", thus Giovanni Musso, CEO of Irem Spa, a Syracuse-based industrial plant engineering company, active in the traditional and green energy sector that operates in Italy and abroad, is among the 196 Italian companies winners of the «Premio Industria Felix – L'Italia che compete», created by Cerved and Luiss University of Rome with the support of “Il Sole 24 Ore”».
Entrepreneurs and management of the 196 awarded companies told their successful corporate storytelling during the event organized by Industria Felix Magazine - a quarterly directed by Michele Montemurro. “It is an honor for me to be here, states Giovanni Musso, also because the company I represent is one of the few Sicilian ones present (ten in total)”.
The presentation of the initiative was entrusted to Angelo Mellone (director of Day Time Rai) and Maria Soave (Tg1), Vito Grassi (national vice president of Confindustria), Cesare Pozzi (professor of Industrial Economics at Luiss University), Filippo Liverini ( member of the Credit and Finance Group of Confindustria for Cerved), and also the executive vice president Corporate sales Fabio Biasini and the CEO of Cerved rating agency Fabrizio Negri, for the Investment Banking of Banca Mediolanum the heads of Origination & Sales network relations Marco Gabbiani and Equity Capital Market Giovanni Reale, the partners of Grant Thornton Consultants Gianluca De Margheriti and Ria Grant Thornton Fabrizio Perego, for ELITE (Euronext Group) the head of Italy Mauro Iacobuzio, and the Sales +&Relationshipmanager Andrea Magenes, the co-founder of M&L Consulting Group Valerio Locatelli, the founder and administrator of Plus Innovation Giovanni Riefoli, the members of Industria Felix Michele Chieffi and Francesco Lenoci and the secretary of the Industria Felix cultural association Pasquale La Pesa.
«The Irem Spa company was chosen because it was considered among the most competitive, performing at a management level, financially reliable and sustainable according to an objective evaluation carried out at national level through a budget algorithm and financial ratings. The recognition was delivered yesterday morning, Monday 11 December, to Giovanni Musso, CEO of Irem, at the ceremony held in Milan in Piazza Affari at Palazzo Mezzanotte, headquarters of Elite and Borsa Italiana.
«I want to share this recognition with all the company staff, managers and employees, because it is only thanks to a daily collective commitment that certain performances can be achieved. Over the years we have increased our quality and technological standards, becoming one of the most appreciated companies in the sector at an international level", states Giovanni Musso.
After passing the regional selection, Irem Spa was selected starting from an algorithm that identified companies by sectors with respect to the best decreasing EBITDA (gross operating margin, a value that measures the profitability of a company and the ability to achieve profit margins profit), with a positive Roe (Return on equity) index - i.e. that the company is generating wealth - with a Financial Charges/EBITDA ratio of less than 50%, with an unchanged or increasing employee delta compared to the average of the previous year .
For this edition of the award, a limited number of companies deemed worthy were examined, taking into consideration only those considered solvent or safe based on the Cerved Group Score (CGS), i.e. a summary assessment of the creditworthiness of Italian companies carried out by Cerved .
«I believe that this award, concludes Giovanni Musso, is the best way to close 2023, but above all it must be a further injection of confidence for the challenges that the near future will present to us».
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